Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm back...

The mostly rough first draft for the the Samhain Dragon Anthology is done. Hurrah! It's taken me forever to write this one. The words just wouldn't come, and those that did were mostly pants *sigh*

But it's been printed out and on Thursday I plan to attack it; then write the dreaded synopsis. Eeep.

The deadline is 2 March. The best three are chosen on 16 March.

Fingers crossed!


Friday, February 16, 2007

Rome: a place of weird dreams

I had more dreams here than I have had in a long while. Must be all the walking... hehe

Here're a few more pics. There are more on here

I was also inspired for a contemp story and plan to put part of Dragon in the back streets of Rome *grin*

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Daughters of Circe - Grand Opening!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My general obsession with fanfic

On some days I can't help myself: I have to read fanfic. It's one of the illegal pleasures when I should be writing...

I first discovered it on the web about 5 years ago and have been addicted ever since. I'm a sad SG-1, CSI obsessive, LOL There's also the odd Blake's 7/Voyager crossover, which is fun.

I realised that when I first started writing... far back into the mists of time *sigh*... that I wrote a form of fanfic. The characters were already set. And of course the heroines were total Mary Sue's *grin* But as an entry into learning how to write it was useful. It got me writing. It kept me writing. And me being about fourteen it was completely awful, LOL

I'm not going to share my early fandoms, though. The writing was bad enough *cringe*

I wish I could write fanfic, though. I can never make the characters canon. Kudos to those writers who can. And you know who you are... *grin*

It might me a good thing that I can't do it. It would be yet another distraction from getting my dragon story finished...

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Getting a handle on it

I think I may have a clue where my dragon story is going... Hurrah!

It has, of course, being me, become more and more complex and uber-byzantine, LOL And I used to think I wrote nice little straight forward plots...

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Friday, February 02, 2007

I've been a-dragoning...

...and the story is becoming more bizarre the more I write.

Not sure it's a good thing, either, LOL

My hero is cool. Which is all important. I just can't seem to get a grip on where the story is going and what it's really about. So at the minute, I'm just writing and writing, stopping, talking to myself as I wander through the house, and trying to figure out how to make this damn thing gel.

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