Sunday, November 12, 2006

NaNo - Day 11 &12

It's been slow going, mainly because I got to a dull bit, wrote through it, and realised after why it was dull and hard to write in the first place, LOL So, I have a bracketed note to myself to remember in the rewrite.

I also increased my word count to 1150 today, by going back and adding a semi-rude scene. *grin* Not fully rude, as there is a very good reason why Alesh and Varo should not have wild monkey sex. Aren't I a bad person??

And I'm over 20k now! Woo hoo!

And off NaNo topic, but on sub topic, 7% and Rising got accepted by Samhain, and The Bone Magician's Daughter got rejected by Berkley. So I'm getting another submission package out the door asap *grin*


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